On this solomn 8th anniversary of 9-11 I want to take a minute to recognize all of the fallen from that terrible event as well as the thousands of individuals who had to 'survive' 9-11 and the tragic, terrible loss of a friend or loved one.
Tragedy unites and thankfully in the United States we are very good about coming together and girding each other up during the worst of times. All things happen for a reason and in due time we will come to know the many purposes of that day. In the mean time I offer my solace and prayer to those families who live in the wake of that awful day.
Like many I am touched by the loss while not being immediately affected by personal loss but I still cry to think about the loss of life and the terrible events of that day. I am also lifted up by the reaction that people had and are still having in showing an outpouring of love and support to everyone who was personally touched that awful day.
9-11 will forever be a day of infamy for our country but it did not make us weaker. Terrorism is not going to win, it is not going to take our faith. In fact, quite the opposite. If you listen closely, you will hear so many miraculous stories born out of that day that you can't help but be uplifted and just ignore whatever terrible purpose instigated those events.
Terrorists want us to live in fear and time and time again America proves she refuses to be dragged down, she refuses to live in the pit of despair. It is NO coincidence that this country was founded on Christian principals and will continue to live those principals despite any effort to make us anthing other than what we are.
We are America. We are proud. We are brave. We love God.
Anything short of that, anything that tries to tear that appart will be met with brute force and we will not back down. We will not succumb. We have the greatest Father a nation can have and we know we are protected by Him.